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The Regional Church of the Northwest includes all of the members of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church’s congregations and mission works in the Pacific Northwest. Its geography includes the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington, and now a congregation in Alberta. The presbytery includes the ruling elders of those churches, and the ministers of the region. The presbytery meets twice a year, usually on the fourth Friday and the following Saturday of April and September.
The spiritual care and oversight of a local congregation is provided through elders (including ruling elders, elected from the membership of the local church, and ministers, either pastors called by a local congregation or evangelists or teachers, called to serve in a broader capacity). In fact, our name reflects the practice of oversight found in the book of Acts. Paul, on his missionary journeys, made sure that elders were chosen to oversee and nurture the newly planted churches (see Acts 14:23; 20:17-25; 1 Timothy 3:1-7). The Greek word for “elder” is presbuteros or “presbyter.” Similarly, matters that concern the regional church are handled by the ruling elders from the local churches and ministers, assembled in a meeting of presbytery.