Contact us

Please contact us if we can be of service.

Officers of the presbytery:

Moderator, the Rev. Donald M. Poundstone (moderator [at] pnwopc [dot] org)

Treasurer, Miss Hannah Ethridge (hethridge [dot]  [numerals “ninety eight”] [at] gmail [dot] com) 

Stated clerk, the Rev. Jeff Scott (clerk [at] pnwopc [dot] org)

Assistant clerk, the Rev. Rob Van Kooten (assistantclerk [at] pnwopc [dot]org)

The Presbytery Historian is the Rev. Calvin R. Malcor (cmalcor [at] charter [dot] net)

Committee information:

Contact for the Committee on Candidates and Credentials is the Rev. Dan Dillard (revdill [at] yahoo [dot] com)

Contact person for the Diaconal Committee is Mr. Steve Ethridge (dmcchair [at] pnwopc [dot] org)

Chairman of the Ecumenicity Committee is the Mr. Mark McConnell (markmc [at] firstopcportland [dot] org)

Chairman of the Foreign Missions Committee is Mr. Scott Searcy (smsearcy[numerals “one” and “four”] [at] outlook [dot] com)

Chairman of the Judicial Committee is the Rev. Rob Van Kooten (sgopc [at] cablespeed [dot] com)

Chairman of the Regional Church Missions Committee is the Rev. Brett McNeill (mcneillopc [at] gmail [dot] com)

Chairman of the Visitation Committee is the Rev. David Bass (lord_protector [at] silverstar [dot] com)


The Rev. Jeff Scott, Stated Clerk

The Presbytery of the Northwest

132 Oakbourne Lane

Winchester, OR 97495

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