We believe

A brief introduction to what we believe:

Our beliefs are not new.  They are as old as the Bible itself.  They can be traced back to the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century.  The primary standard for the church, that by which it measures its life and ministry, is the Bible, the Word of God.  The secondary standards of the church are the historic seventeenth century doctrinal statements, the Westminster Confession of Faith and its companion documents, the Westminster Larger Catechism and  Shorter Catechism.

The Bible is more than a collection of moral teachings or a handbook on theology.  It is the history of the unfolding and establishment of God’s kingdom.  Thus our teaching and preaching show how the Bible, from beginning to end, points us to Jesus Christ, who inaugurated the kingdom of God by his death and resurrection in our place.  By nature we are dead in sin.  But the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, has loved us and has drawn us to himself.  We hold to the historic  Reformed faith.

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